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Mike Patton - Peeping Tom e FantomasMelvins

Full Of Hell - & Andrew Nolan - Scraping The DivineFull Of Hell
& Andrew Nolan - Scraping The Divine
Defacement - DualityDefacement
God Bullies - As Above So BelowGod Bullies
As Above So Below
Five The Hierophant - ApeironFive The Hierophant
Jerry Cantrell - I Want BloodJerry Cantrell
I Want Blood
Demon & Eleven Children - Demonic FascinationDemon & Eleven Children
Demonic Fascination
Oranssi Pazuzu - MuuntautujaOranssi Pazuzu
Chat Pile - Cool WorldChat Pile
Cool World
Blood Incantation - Absolute ElsewhereBlood Incantation
Absolute Elsewhere
Alexander Gregory Kent - Teaches Dust to ReasonAlexander Gregory Kent
Teaches Dust to Reason

Mike Patton

Peeping Tom e FantomasMelvins

News del 23/01/2006

Mike Patton - Peeping Tom e FantomasMelvins

Il tanto atteso album "pop" di Mike Patton sta arrivando: Ipecac segnala l'uscita per il 30 Maggio 2006!!

Nel frattempo potremmo gustarci Mike Patton nel film "Firecracker", in uscita in DVD negli Stati Uniti il 23 Maggio oppure con la FantomasMelvins Big Band in tour in Europa ad Aprile!

[Dale P.]

Mike Patton - Kaada - RomancesMike Patton
Kaada - Romances
Mike Patton - Mondo CaneMike Patton
Mondo Cane