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  rock [ metal ] punk indie experimental pop elettronica



Origine: Stati Uniti,
Genere: metal / post-metal

Autori affini: Isis | Old Man Gloom | Russian Circles | Baptists |

Sito ufficiale: Tsumac.bandcamp.com


Aaron Turner - Chitarra Voce

Brian Cook - Basso

Nick Yacyshyn - Batteria


The Deal (Profound Lore) 2014

What One Becomes (Thrill Jockey) 2016

Keiji Haino + Sumac – American Dollar Bill - Keep Facing Sideways, You're Too Hideous To Look At Face On (Thrill Jockey) 2018

Love In Shadow (Thrill Jockey) 2018

Keiji Haino + Sumac – Even For Just The Briefest Moment / Keep Charging This "Expiation" / Plug In To Making It Slightly Better (Trost) 2019

May You Be Held (Thrill Jockey) 2020

Keiji Haino + Sumac – Into This Juvenile Apocalypse Our Golden Blood To Pour Let Us Never (Thrill Jockey) 2022

The Healer (Thrill Jockey) 2024


Sumac - The HealerSumac
The Healer


04/04/2024 Nuovo Album A Giugno
04/09/2014 Nuovo Supergruppo Di Aaron Turner